
(928) 589-1172
143 N McCormick St, Suite 102, Prescott, AZ 86301

Permar Physical Therapy

(928) 589-1172

143 N McCormick St, Suite 102, Prescott, AZ 86301

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Rates and Insurance

Rates and Insurance

Permar Physical Therapy accepts Medicare.  Permar Physical Therapy does NOT contract with any other insurance companies.

The rate for all treatment sessions is $130/hour. After-hours and weekend treatments are available at an additional charge.   All sessions are scheduled for 1 hour.

 Why is insurance not filed at Permar Physical Therapy?

Insurance is not filed because the business model necessary for an insurance-based PT practice does not support the treatment model that we follow.  Physical therapists  in clinics that bill insurance have to see at least 2 patients per hour (usually even more) and use technicians to apply multiple modalities like ultrasound and e-stim (electrical stimulation).   They must do this because insurance companies tend to reimburse these clinics only about half of what they bill and reimburse for particular procedures.   Research shows that manual therapy (hands on therapy) combined with exercise is more effective at reducing pain and improving function compared to modalities.   In many ways, insurance companies dictate or at least influence the treatment that patients receive at these clinics.   At Permar Physical Therapy we do what works, opposed to letting insurance companies dictate treatment.  Each of our clients receive an hour of one-on-one care and hands-on treatment specific to his/her condition and needs,  which results in superior results when compared to the insurance model.   When you consider the time savings of fewer trips to the clinic and the value of resolving your pain so much faster than normal, the out of pocket expense at Permar Physical Therapy is a huge bargain.

Can I bill my insurance for reimbursement of my out-of-pocket expenses?

This depends on the insurance you have, but YES, most patients can get reimbursement for their treatments. You should be able to print claim forms off your insurance company’s website, and send it in with the needed receipts and treatment codes that will be provided upon request at the clinic. The amount of reimbursement is completely dependent on your insurance plan.   If you call your insurance company to inquire, you should ask about reimbursement for “out-of-network Physical Therapy” expenses.