physical therapist Prescott
Walking decreases pain while improving overall health profile

Walking decreases pain, low back and knee pain specifically. The simple act of walking has been shown to reduce low back pain, especially brisk walking. Walking has been shown to decrease knee pain from osteoarthritis. What else does walking do? A lot. Walking 30 minutes a day has been shown to have benefits ranging from reducing symptoms Read More »
MRI, X-rays and Back Pain

X-rays and MRI’s can be harmful for people with low back pain. This may sound ridiculous to the average person. Two common medical misconceptions are that more tests lead to better care and that imaging studies allow us to see the “problem.” Wrong and wrong. When it comes to low back pain, more tests don’t Read More »
Movement reduces low back pain

This is a question that is best answered following an examination by a health care practitioner who is experienced in treating patients with low back pain. With that said, there are several simple rules you can follow that will be beneficial to you. Movement is so important when you have a low back injury because Read More »