physical therapist Prescott
Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain is a common complaint that affects a large segment of the population at any given time. If you’ve experienced a fall where you caught yourself with an outstretched arm and noticed immediate shoulder pain, you may have a rotator cuff tear. If your shoulder is weak, you have difficulty sleeping because of shoulder pain, Read More »
Low back stretches; don't do them
Low back stretches are regularly recommended for people with low back pain. Often times with low back pain comes low back muscle spasm. Intuitively it makes sense to want to stretch out the tight muscle. The reasoning being that the pain is from the muscle spasm and if you stretch the muscle in spasm the Read More »
Fix Your Scoliosis Curve

What if you could reduce your scoliosis curve by 40% in one and a half minutes a day? Sounds ridiculous right? Even though it sounds crazy that’s exactly what recent research has shown to be possible. One simple exercise completed once per day for an average of one and a half minutes has the potential Read More »