pain treatment
Walking decreases pain while improving overall health profile

Walking decreases pain, low back and knee pain specifically. The simple act of walking has been shown to reduce low back pain, especially brisk walking. Walking has been shown to decrease knee pain from osteoarthritis. What else does walking do? A lot. Walking 30 minutes a day has been shown to have benefits ranging from reducing symptoms Read More »
Relieve Chronic Neck Pain

Relieve chronic neck pain with one simple exercise. Neck pain can be the result of joint, muscle, disc, or nerve dysfunction. There is no shortage of treatment options with pain medications, muscle relaxers, and joint manipulation (having your neck cracked) being common. These approaches potentially offer temporary relief though not a long-term solution. There is Read More »
Ease low back pain without exercise!

The majority of people do NOT like to exercise. This is one of the reasons they have difficulty sticking to a routine that WILL substantially decrease their pain if not eliminate it completely. Life is busy, and completing several exercises every day is oftentimes the first thing that’s eliminated if it’s even started in the Read More »