Low back pain relief
Hip Hinge, A Natural Solution for Low Back Pain

Low back pain is often due to stress, strain, and compression through the tissues of the lumbar spine. The hip hinge is a movement pattern that, if done correctly on a consistent basis, will reduce excessive strain and compression on the lumbar spine. When excessive stress and compression are alleviated, pain is reduced or eliminated. Read More »
Pain Medication and injections
It might be time for you to rethink pain medications and injections for addressing musculoskeletal pain. Western medicine has evolved to the point that pain, any kind of pain, is addressed FIRST with drugs and/or injections. Most complaints of pain are musculoskeletal in nature, meaning the pain generator is muscle or joint related. A recent Read More »
Walking alleviates low back pain
There is certainly no shortage of information and recommendations on what to do if you have low back pain. A lifetime could be spent sifting through the different treatment approaches and trying many of them. After years of working with patients who suffer from low back pain, I have realized how important it is for Read More »