chronic pain relief
Chronic Pain Explained

Chronic pain affects 116 million Americans each year. Chronic pain is defined as pain lasting more than three months. From a biological standpoint, injured tissues heal within three to six months so pain lasting longer than this is usually not due to a structural issue or tissue injury. It’s usually due to the nervous system Read More »
Pain Medication and injections
It might be time for you to rethink pain medications and injections for addressing musculoskeletal pain. Western medicine has evolved to the point that pain, any kind of pain, is addressed FIRST with drugs and/or injections. Most complaints of pain are musculoskeletal in nature, meaning the pain generator is muscle or joint related. A recent Read More »
Relieve Chronic Neck Pain

Relieve chronic neck pain with one simple exercise. Neck pain can be the result of joint, muscle, disc, or nerve dysfunction. There is no shortage of treatment options with pain medications, muscle relaxers, and joint manipulation (having your neck cracked) being common. These approaches potentially offer temporary relief though not a long-term solution. There is Read More »