back pain
Walking alleviates low back pain
There is certainly no shortage of information and recommendations on what to do if you have low back pain. A lifetime could be spent sifting through the different treatment approaches and trying many of them. After years of working with patients who suffer from low back pain, I have realized how important it is for Read More »
Low Back Pain Facts

Low Back Pain Facts 1. Low back pain is common, affecting 18% of the adult population in the United States during any given month. This equates to over 56 million adults experiencing low back pain each month (1). 2. The majority of low back pain improves on its own within six weeks. 3. Low back Read More »
Low back pain due to stiff hips and thoracic spine

The low back (lumbar spine) is located in between the mid back (thoracic spine) and hips. When the thoracic spine and hips are stiff, the lumbar spine compensates by moving TOO much. This is the reason so much is made of core stability. Many physical therapists, chiropractors, physicians and trainers harp on core stability and Read More »