Opioid pain medication INCREASES pain

The entire point of pain medication is obviously to eliminate or reduce pain to a tolerable level. Unfortunately, opioid pain medication has the potential to do exactly the opposite. Opioid pain medications such as oxycodone and hydrocodone are very commonly prescribed to patients with low back pain or any musculoskeletal pain in general. The threat Read More »
Reduce Back Pain With the Right Bed

It’s no secret how much of a difference a bed can make if you have low back pain. Everybody has had the experience of traveling and sleeping on an unfamiliar bed. You may wake up with more low back pain and stiffness than usual or you may wake up feeling great. How you wake up Read More »
Arthritis pain relief without drugs

Osteoarthritis affects 30-40% of individuals age 65 or older. Arthritis is the second leading cause of physical disability in the entire world (1). It can affect any joint in the body and is often the cause of knee, hip, and low back pain in older adults. The condition leads to high levels of physical Read More »